This is our first record. It’s full of ghosts and shipwrecked relationships. We spent a winter making it and threw our whole selves at it, crossing wires and passing out on couches with magazines for blankets. It can easily be mistaken for a pop record, but there are secret places in it that belong to whomever finds them and wants to claim them. There are pianos. And there’s a dog.
1. Give Me a Moment
2. Carparts
3. Samaritan
4. Mimi
5. Medicine Cabinet Pirate
6. Unsalted Butter
7. Government Loans
8. Scent of Lime
9. Copernicus
10. Shanty Town
Released Feb 19, 2002
cd Barsuk Records – BARK22
lp The Control Group – TCG034
Engineered by Chris Walla at The Hall of Justice in Seattle, WA.
Produced by Chris Walla, Sean Nelson, and John Roderick.
John’s story:
The year 2000 was a very full year. The first thing that happened in January of that year was that I was asked to join Harvey Danger as the touring keyboardist. They knew me from around town and Sean and I had recently struck up a friendship based on eating steak and talking about how smart we were compared to other people. » Read more
Sean’s story:
When I think about the recording of what would become the first Long Winters LP, the first thing that comes to mind is an image of Chris Walla climbing physically inside the back of an Optigan keyboard. » Read more