Category: Diary
Electric Aphorisms
When I was first introduced to Twitter it sounded to me like another in a long line of social networking tools that I could happily live without. Conventional wisdom seems to be that MySpace and Facebook and Twitter are giant… » More inside
Bumbershoot: America’s Next Long Winters Drummer
Originally published in Seattle Weekly A couple of months ago, the Long Winters got some mixed news: Our drummer, Nabil Ayers, was taking a full-time job in New York that would preclude his touring, and our band was invited to play… » More inside
How to Maintain Your Beard
Originally published in Seattle Weekly In 1986, when I first attempted to grow a beard, the general consensus was that beards were for murderers and maniacs. Almost no one in mainstream America wore a beard during the eighties, and even in… » More inside
Sex and Being in a Band
Originally published in Seattle Weekly “My reputation as a ladies’ man was a joke. It caused me to laugh bitterly the 10,000 nights I spent alone.” -Leonard Cohen It is almost universally assumed that rock musicians avail themselves of copious, practically… » More inside
Originally published in Seattle Weekly The next few weeks are going to be a stressful time for me. After a period of many months where all I’ve done is restfully contemplate my navel and dig holes in my garden, my band… » More inside
Light Rail and Liquor in Seattle and Portland
Originally published in Seattle Weekly I took the train down to Portland over the weekend to play a variety show called Live Wire, which is broadcast on the Oregon Public Radio. The show is like A Prairie Home Companion if you… » More inside